Medical physics is the application of physical methods in medicine and biology. One focus is the application of ionizing radiation in medicine in radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and X-ray diagnostics, other areas are magnetic resonance imaging, clinical-medical optics and the clinical application of lasers and ultrasound. It has a strong interdisciplinary focus and represents an important link between medicine and physics in healthcare as well as in research and development.
At htw saar, I really never had the feeling of being an index card. It's the small size of the degree programs, the well-equipped campus and the always helpful contact persons that make for a familiar atmosphere.
Daniel Hautz, Absolvent
Graduates of the Master's degree program in Medical Physics can be found in demanding positions in research, development and the technical management of medical facilities. In the industrial sector, this involves providing an optimal technical solution - taking into account regulatory requirements - for a medical technology system or process. This ranges from scientific and technical modeling to design implementation and conformity assessment.
An essential job description is the activity as a "medical physics expert" in the medical application of ionizing radiation. The number of medical accelerators for radiotherapy and the number of patients is constantly increasing. With the amendment of the laws and regulations on radiation protection, which will come into force in the near future, supervision by medical physics experts will be required not only in radiotherapy but also in the field of diagnostic applications of ionizing radiation - resulting in an additional demand for graduates in this field.
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 955
robert.lemor @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 6213
Dean's Office | Dean's Office
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 461
carmen.kraemer @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 2205
+49 (0)681 5867 - 115
studierendenservice @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Haus des Wissens
Building 11
Malstatter Straße 17
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 11.01.17
Acquisition of additional ECTS at the htw saar (harmonization semester)