Technological progress is changing our lives in ever shorter cycles. But behind the scenes, a revolution is being prepared whose social impact is not yet foreseeable. With increasing automation in production, we are talking about Industry 4.0. It will have a decisive impact on our work and our lives, and may even trigger fundamental changes.
For this change, we need specialists who are familiar with electronic and electrotechnical components as well as their programming and networking. However, interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge alone would not be enough, as we need managers with well-developed soft skills to work in teams. Increasingly international teams need to be coordinated and managed in order to shape the transition to a new age of work efficiently and humanely.
At htw saar, graduates with a Bachelor's degree or comparable qualifications can work towards a Master's degree in three semesters. The extremely modern facilities of the library, computer rooms and scientific laboratories are available to students for their studies and the completion of projects and theses.
The Master's degree course in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology deals with the following questions:
We still need everything we have learned in our professional lives today.
Daniel Lang, Absolvent
With a Master's degree in electrical engineering and information technology, many doors are open to graduates in industry, administration or research institutions. The sector is undergoing radical change and requires specialists with a wide range of skills. The specialist knowledge in electronics, electrical engineering and information technology enables a profound understanding of physical processes, technical implementation as well as modeling and automation with the help of programming appropriate software. In addition, graduates from htw saar are equipped with experience in project management and leadership skills.
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 206
marc.klemm @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 5301
Dean's Office | Dean's Office
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 461
carmen.kraemer @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 2205
+49 (0)681 5867 - 115
studierendenservice @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Haus des Wissens
Building 11
Malstatter Straße 17
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 11.01.17
Acquisition of additional ECTS at the htw saar (harmonization semester)