The "Renewable Energy" course is a challenging engineering course for self-starters, lateral thinkers and forward thinkers. The climate crisis is being discussed everywhere today. However, things will only change when new, forward-looking technologies reduce energy consumption and renewable energy and innovative energy systems come to the fore. For this, we need systems engineers who look at the whole picture. The "renewable energy" systems engineer needs knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and process engineering - a toolbox with which they can help to secure our future.
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Waller, Studienleiter Erneuerbare Energien / Energiesystemtechnik
People today live in a time of crisis management. We must learn to use our global resources more efficiently. Climate change is at the forefront. We can only counter this by massively reducing carbon dioxide emissions. To do this, we need newer and better technologies that promote the conversion and storage of renewable energy from the sun, wind and hydropower. Climate crisis management is without question the biggest task facing mankind.
The challenge is to use machines and technologies to solve the problems we have caused. This task requires people who are both engineers and visionaries. People who can think their way into complex systems. At htw saar, we train these future experts as systems engineers on the Renewable Energies / Energy Systems Engineering course. They can analyze energy and energy technologies as an overall system, understand complex interrelationships and show ways out of the crisis with innovative solutions.
If you would like to study Renewable Energies / Energy Systems Engineering at a university, you will find a challenging and exciting engineering course at htw saar. It consists of two pillars: Thermodynamics and Electrical Engineering. On the course, we first provide our students with the necessary basic knowledge in various subjects before they then decide on one of two specializations. One thing is guaranteed: Teaching and practice are closely linked. Our professors and lecturers come from research, development and industry. They have experience in operational company business and are also involved as experts in commissions. In addition, our teaching content is dynamic and integrates new findings and systems that are currently being implemented in practice.
We teach students to work in teams to tackle complex technical issues relating to renewable energies and to find answers - to deal critically with problems and develop visionary concepts for the world of tomorrow.
The course at htw saar is characterized by very well taught theoretical course content, which is deepened and consolidated through numerous practical lab assignments.
Davide Lana, Absolvent
htw saar knows exactly which qualifications are in demand and needed in the industry - and that is exactly what we train our students for. Our graduates of the bachelor's degree course in Renewable Energies/Energy Systems Engineering are accordingly in high demand. As systems engineers with solid knowledge of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and process engineering, they can take on a wide range of tasks in industry and municipal companies in the field of renewable energy conversion, storage and distribution.
At municipal utilities, energy suppliers and corporations, they plan and develop energy systems and coordinate the various trades. At employers in industry, they also carry out project work, design and test plants and systems, monitor electrical, measurement and automation equipment in production and simulate processes for virtual product development. They can also work in public authorities and take charge of the energy transition for a municipality or region.
The energy industry in particular has a very pronounced need for personnel and offers many attractive positions that urgently need to be filled - the very best conditions for young, dynamic engineers with a qualifying degree from htw saar.
Renewable Energies
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 927
m.deissenroth-uhrig @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 6205
Dean's Office | Dean's Office
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 461
carmen.kraemer @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 2205
+49 (0)681 5867 - 115
studierendenservice @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Haus des Wissens
Building 11
Malstatter Straße 17
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 11.01.17