Automation will radically change our economy and society. Our degree program prepares people with an interest in technology to help shape this change. However, this work is much more human than many people assume. This is because modern technologies and their work processes are created in teams. That's why we need team players - and, above all, many more women studying technical subjects.
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Scholz, Studienleiter Elektro- und Informationstechnik
Modern information technology has radically changed our lives in recent decades, and other technologies are on the verge of a breakthrough: autonomous driving, the Internet of Things and automation in industry will have a major impact on work and everyday life. At the same time, the move away from nuclear and fossil fuel-based energy generation requires a modernization of the electricity grid. And the finite nature of rare earths and other raw materials, which are so urgently needed for the manufacture of high-tech products, requires a sustainable approach to conserving resources in industry.
So there is an incredible amount of movement in electrical engineering and information technology. A movement for which our economy needs engineers who are well versed in both classic electrical engineering and modern information technology, who are familiar with classic concepts and at the same time are looking for new solutions. And who want to take up the challenge of helping to shape an industry that is both economical and sustainable.
The htw saar prepares students on the Bachelor's degree course in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology precisely for these challenges. In our broad-based degree program, we first teach students important fundamentals ranging from mathematics and electrical engineering to project management. They then delve deeper into exciting areas such as industrial control technology, programming automation solutions, microelectronics and many other important aspects. We place great emphasis on practical relevance. After all, our graduates are in great demand in industry - and we want to and will prepare them accordingly for their future tasks.
I quickly realized during my training that the depth of learning was not enough for me. I wanted to think outside the box and that was far too small for me there. During my studies at htw saar, I had four days of lectures and one day in the company, which was an excellent way of combining theory with practice.
Hendrik Engel, Absolvent
Trained electrical and information technology engineers are in high demand on the market. This is because they are needed in almost every industry. From the automotive industry and transportation to the construction and maintenance of data networks.
Graduates of htw saar work in companies and their production lines to optimize work processes and to maintain and further develop modern electrical engineering. They also plan and install systems, maintain highly complex technology and develop IT systems for their employer or its customers. They can also supervise automation in factory plants, maintain and plan new electrical energy systems and ensure the functionality of electronics and information technology in a world characterized by constant change, which is precisely why it literally remains exciting.
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 206
marc.klemm @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 5301
Dean's Office | Dean's Office
Engineering Sciences
+49 (0)681 58 67 - 461
carmen.kraemer @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 2205
+49 (0)681 5867 - 115
studierendenservice @ htwsaar .de
htw saar
Haus des Wissens
Building 11
Malstatter Straße 17
66117 Saarbrücken
Room 11.01.17